Genesis Outline

Section 1: Chapters 1-2

Genesis means “beginnings”. In this book we find the beginning of everything revealed in the Scriptures, and a self revelation of God which comes to its peak in Christ. In Chapters 1 and 2 we see the seven steps of creation; and in the rest of Genesis, a presentation of the seven leading characters of this first Book of the Bible.

Section 2: Chapters 3-4

The fall and salvation are described, and the first promise of a coming redeemer (Christ) is given in Chapter 3, verse 15.

Section 3: Chapters 4-7

The different lines of descent (Cain and Seth) until the flood occurs

Section 4: Chapters 8-11

From the perishing of the first creation preserved through Noah, to the tower of Babel. God does not destroy a faithful generation again with a flood, but scatters them over the face of the earth by creating varieties of speech.

Section 5: Chapters 12-50

God calls out Abram, whom He names Abraham and because of his trust in God, He makes him a father of many believing peoples. Isaac, Jacob and Joseph enjoy the same covenant of blessing with their father Abraham (as do we, “if we believe on Him who raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead”). (see Galations 3:26-29; Romans 4:11, 12, 23-25)

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